Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Peak of our Classroom

Just a peak into our classroom!

"Frying Up a Fact Family"  Hanukkah themed math bulletin board.   Student got 3 numbers and had to make a fact family (4 problems) using those numbers.  (ie.  2, 3, 5.  2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-3=2, 5-2=3) 

QU Baby Shower

Q and U were the focus a little while ago.  The students were introduced to the QU Quints.  They were 5 babies sent to us to help us learn the sounds of QU.  Just like brothers and sisters are together forever QU are always found together.  We did many activities to celebrate these quints and the sounds of QU.

 Baby Bottle Word Find:  Students had to hunt inside a baby bottle filled with rice and baby toys to find words that had QU in them.  

(R and below) Students decorated a onesie with QU pictures.

(R and L) Rubber Ducky Word Find:  Students have to pick ducks (ok...paper ducks) from a pond (yes, a paper pond) and read the word under them (kind of like the carnival game).  If they could read the word they had to mark it off their sheet.  Once they got 4 words in a row they were a winner! 

Presents for the quints: Quilts, squeaky ducks, lemon squeezers, and more (oh my!)

Writer's Workshop Publishing Party

Recently we finished our "launching" unit for Writer's Workshop.  During this unit we learned the procedures and expectations of writers workshop.  We were able to write a story on any topic:  real or fantasy.  The students learned that good writers:  make a sketch of their ideas before they write, start a new story when they finish or add to an old one (once your done you've just begun!), begin sentences with capital letters, sound out spelling (with their "magic gum"), end with periods, write what they know, go to the restroom if needed, and many many more things.  After this we are going to move into writing a report.  It will be an in class research report about a planet.

This poster says "We Are Writers" and includes the names of many famous authors.  We are now "published" writers so we included our names to the poster.  It then became the backdrop to our "Author's Chair" where we shared our stories.

Working on publishing our stories...

Sitting in the Author's Chair sharing our stories....

Celebrating with a "champagne" toast!

Making Butter---Pilgrim Style!

When we were learning about pilgrims we discussed that if the pilgrims wanted something they couldn't just go to the store and get it--they had to make it themselves.  We knew they had cows and therefore they were able to make butter.  Students "churned" butter by shaking heavy whipping cream in a jar.  It took a long time and A LOT of "elbow grease" but we eventually got butter that we could try. Reviews were mixed about how it tasted but one student said "This isn't's great!"

If you want to try this at home check out this link for directions:

Science Experiment!

A while back we did a science experiment where we took a solid and a liquid and mixed it together to make a gas. We learned this was called a chemical change since it could never get the two things we mixed back to the way they were before.  I included these pictures in the newsletter when it happened...but they are so cute I have to put them up again!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


I am so happy to be providing you a look inside our classroom!  Over the next week I will be updating TONS of fun activities we have been doing over the past few weeks.  Please enter your email at the bottom in "follow by email" to receive emails when I post new entries!